Unfreezing media in Netbackup on Solaris.

Here is something you don’t use everyday or at least I don’t. 🙂

First find the frozen media IDs.

shell>/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/available_media | grep FROZEN

A00060  HCART3   TLD      1       37     –       1     0        FROZEN

Then unfreeze them with this command xenical otc.

shell> /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedia -unfreeze -m A00060

Configuring YUM to use a Proxy Server.

There are two basic ways that you can configure YUM to use a proxy server.

First is by editing the yum.conf file pop over to this web-site. The yum.conf is usually localed in the /etc directory. You will need to add couple of parameters depending on your proxy configuration.

1.) The first parameter is to add the proxy server to the yum.conf.

# The proxy server – proxy server:port number

2.) Now If a username and password is required to login to the proxy server.

# The account details for yum connections

The second way is by configuring the user’s environmental variables.

1.) The first way is just by adding the proxy server information.

bash> http_proxy=”http://yum.proxy.server:3128″
bash> export http_proxy

2.) The second way is by adding the proxy server with an username and password.

bash> http_proxy=”http://username:password@yum.proxy.server:3128″
bash> export http_proxy


My First Post

So here’s the story; I’m horrible at grammar, spelling and pretty much anything else to do with the English language, but I decided to start a blog anyway. Foolish human.. 🙂

This will be a pretty boring blog to most of you since it will be a technical blog, with a few rants from yours truly. So, if you are a geek or a nerd, great, if not, go herehttp://www.life.com, a great site I helped build.