
So here’s the story; I’m horrible at grammar, spelling and pretty much anything else to do with the English language, but I decided to start a blog anyway. 🙂

I am a DevOps Engineer / Architect with over 16+ years of intensive hands-on experience managing technology operations (e.g., websites, back end functions, architecture) for leading Internet websites and Telecommunication companies under highly demanding conditions. I’m knowledgeable in cutting-edge hardware, software, databases, and Internet technologies. I’m experienced at building and maintaining highly available systems from the ground up.

Okay that was the sales pitch.

Personally, I would like to think of myself as a jack of all trades when it comes to Open Source and Technology. In my professional career I have done programming, development, graphic design, web design, kernel programming, database administration, system administration, network administration, storage administration and business administration. I may not have done them all well, but I got the job done. When you don’t have someone that can do the job you hope you have someone willing to learn, and that’s me.